27 - 28 June 2019
Hitex Exhibition Center, Hyderabad
Announcement :

DISH Telengana Supports OSH South India 2018

Visit OSH South India – Hyderabad and reimburse your train travel- FREE*

Venue: Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad on 28th -29th June, 2018. 10.00am to 6.00pm

100+ Safety and Health Equipment Manufacturer brands participating in OSH South India- Hyderabad

DISH Telengana Supports OSH South India 2018

Visit OSH South India – Hyderabad and reimburse your train travel- FREE*

‘International Experts Should Use OSH India Exhibition to Educate Indian Entrepreneurs on Technical Textiles’

Dr. Anup Rakshit, Executive Director, INDIAN TECHNICAL TEXTILE ASSOCIATION talks about the technical textile products available in India, the state of innovation in the industry segment, and how OSH India exhibition cum conference can be used to promote awareness about such products in India.

1. What is your assessment about the quality of technical textiles available in India? How does it compare to global standards?

The technical textile (TT) products are highly diversified, unlike conventional textile products such as- apparels, home textiles, etc. There are twelve segments of TT: Agrotech, Buildtech,Clothtech,Geotech, Hometech, Indutech, Meditech, Mobiltech, Oekotech, Packtech, Protech and Sportech. Products in each of the TT segments require special manufacturing processes and stringent quality control measures to meet the users’ specifications. TT industry in India is well matured in the TT fields of packtech, clothtech, hometech, mobiltech,and geotech areas. The quality standards in these product segments are of international standard, that is why these products command major export value and volume. But, barring few manufacturers, industry has to go a long way to achieve high quality products in the rest of the TT segments.

2. What are the latest developments in the technical textiles field? What kind of new products are likely to revolutionise the market?

Unfortunately, the focus on TT product innovation is very poor in our country. A lot of investment in R&D is required if we really compete with the TT industry in the world. Few examples are- high-tech protective gears, composites, smart textiles, etc.

3. How would you rate ITTA’s efforts over the years in helping improve awareness about OSH among both employers and employees?

Since 2016, ITTA is supporting UBM India for OSH India in terms of mobilizing ITTA members to participate in the trade fair, arranging speakers for the conference, promoting the event through electronic media, etc. We believe that this support brings together all stakeholders of PPE (personal protective equipment) sector of the technical textile industry in this region. This year ITTA is planning to organize One Full Day theme based conference on overcoming Electrical safety and Electric arc hazards.

4. What set of activities have you planned in the near future to further ITTA’s objectives?

Today, the challenges of occupational and environmental health concerns are engulfing the entire community. ITTA wants to organize more and more awareness programs on Occupational health and safety areas, identify gaps in the product availability, and encourage industry members to develop products to meet the requirements. ITTA is already working together with BIS to develop Indian standards on protective textiles.

5. What role do you believe OSH India can play to further ITTA’s objectives?

Looking at the success stories of partnership between UBM and ITTA over the last couple of years in promoting technical textiles, mainly PPE products in domestic market, this is the right time to explore the world market as well. Already our Industry is exporting many such products but volumes are not so significant. They can be encouraged to promote their products through International trade fairs organized by UBM. OSH India can also invite international experts in this field to educate Indian entrepreneurs in collaboration with ITTA.

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